From the Sempione Pass, after the characteristic statue of the eagle, take the wide path westward that leads to the Hopsche huts, passing along the right-hand side of a small lake. Continue on the same road, which climbs up the little valleys in a south-westerly direction until you reach the turn-off for the Tochuhorn. Turn left and cross the slopes that lead to the beginning of a small valley. Pass (usually on foot) some steep earth hairpin bends and enter the wide valley, parts of which you can climb by bicycle in a north-westerly direction towards the Spitzhorli. After a steep stretch at the Rossen Pass, turn north and continue on a debris slope until you reach the summit cairn at 2729 m (8953 ft)
Go down as far as the pass to take the ascent path (watch out for the stones) and continue straight on, keeping to the Nanztal side, past a hut that serves as a refuge and continue along the hillside as far as the Bistine Pass (Bistinenpass) at 2416 m (7927 ft). Now turn left along the path that winds through pastures and grassy slopes until it becomes more obvious, at an altitude of 2175 m (7136 ft). Keep to the left and descend along the wide, in parts very stony mule track that cuts across the slope diagonally, which is also clearly visible from the Sempione Pass road. Now join the comfortable streets that lead from the huts of Rielti to the Sempione Pass via a slight ascent.