The autumn days are short, the sun sets quickly and you can start to feel the first cold spells… Despite this, autumn transforms the woods of the Ossola Valley into treasure troves where you can find – while always respecting the environment – gastronomic delights of every size.
First and foremost, mushrooms, from the most renowned varieties, such as porcini and chanterelles, to the lesser-known, but exquisite honey mushrooms (not to mention a few exceptions that appear in spring, such as the prized true morels).
The Piedmont Region regulates harvesting of these undergrowth delicacies and requires collectors to pay for a permit: this is managed by the Unioni Montane delle Valli Ossolane, whose websites contain further information and payment details.
The Ossola woods, from September onwards, also offer an infinite variety of small gifts, not only for the kitchen, but also for decorating the house: berries, bark and other fruits can be used to adorn a colourful autumn table or an elegant Christmas mise en place!
True gourmands will certainly not miss out on the blueberry harvest period (more typical of summer than autumn, they include the classic, blue, and lesser-known red varieties) or the chestnut harvest. Chestnuts, which are abundant in the Ossola woods, are an integral part of autumn cuisine and are popular at festivals, where you can literally feast on roasted chestnuts!
Lesser-known fruits include juniper berries (dried berries can be used for recipes with meat or local game) or even dog rose berries (the berries are full of vitamin C and can be used dried in teas and fresh in jams).
The colourful autumn woods, a natural environment for experiencing unique emotions, offer a wealth of flavours that visitors can attentively explore and collect in a careful, responsible manner, enjoying an authentic relationship with the nature of the Ossola Valley.
Ossola Valley fruits and herbs
Lower Ossola
Ossola Valley vegetables
Lower Ossola